Range | type | priority | build-forward | note |
- within sn-maximum-town-size tiles from 1st
TC - out of sn-minimum-town-size tiles from 1st TC - within 4 tiles from 1st TC is farm only area - explored place only - must be 1tile apart from other buildings (except farm) * town-size is ignored when build-forward action |
others | nothing (random) | can | |
tower | (1) attacked place (2) near resource |
can | ||
house | around TC | cannot | ignored sn-minimum-town-size | |
farm | (1) around TC (2) around Mill |
cannot | built within 4 tiles from first TC. ignored sn-minimum-town-size |
* Building Area Normal Building can be built in an area between sn-minimum-town-size sn-maximum-town-size from first TC. Within 4 tiles from first TC is farm only area, and cannot be built in this area except farms even if you set sn-minimum-town-size to 1. |
Figure 1. In case of sn-minimum-town-size=8, sn-maximum-town-size=11![]() |
* Town size area is square Setting the maximum and minimum town size strictly, Towers can be built at precisely 7 tiles from TC like figure 2. |
Figure 2. In case of sn-minimum-town-size=6 and sn-maximum-town-size=7![]() |
* Town size area is not symmetrical The town size is calculated from the tile filled with pink(figure3). Right side of TC get 1 tile far. At figure3, buildings can be built at right side only because all building area of left side is covered with farm area. Building can be built at right side of TC intentionally. |
Figure 3. In case of sn-minimum-town-size=5 and sn-maximum-town-size=6![]() |
Range | type | priority | build-forward | note |
- within sn-maximum-town-size tiles * 2 from
1st TC - out of sn-maximum-town-size tiles from 1st TC - within 3 tiles from 1st TC is farm only area - explored place only * town-size is ignored when build-forward action |
outpost | near TC | can | ignored sn-minimum-town-size |
* Building Area Outpost can be built in the area between sn-maximum-town-size sn-maximum-town-size*2 from 1st TC. Within 3 tiles from 1st TC is farm only area. |
Figure 4. In case of sn-maximum-town-size=3![]() |
* Outpost can be built closely Outpost can be built closely like figure 5. Outpost is built concentrically like figure 7. |
Figure 5. In case of sn-maximum-town-size=3![]() Figure 6. In case of sn-maximum-town-size=4 ![]() Figure 7. In case of sn-maximum-town-size=6 (in progress) ![]() |
Range | type | priority | build-forward | note |
- within sn-mill-max-distance from 1st TC - explored place only - must be 1tile apart from other buildings (except farm) |
mill | (1)near forage (2)near deer (3)near shore fish |
cannot | |
- within sn-camp-max-distance from 1st TC - explored place only - must be 1tile apart from other buildings (except farm) |
lumber camp | (1)near forest (2)near tree |
cannot | |
mining camp | near gold and stone | cannot | camp can be built in other island when you set sn-camp-max-distance to 255 |
* Camp Building Area Lumbercamp and mining camp is built near resource within sn-camp-max-distance tiles from 1st TC. |
Figure8. sn-camp-max-distance=10の設定![]() |
* Mill Building Area Mill is built near resource within sn-mill-max-distance tiles from 1st TC. |
Figure9. sn-mill-max-distance=10の設定![]() |
* One camp per one mine One dropsite building can be built at one item(gold, stone, forage). The way to judge whether the item is already covered by dropsite building is using dropsite-distance. In figure10, gold(A) is covered by mining camp. Mining camp can be built at gold(B) and gold(C) In figure11, gold(A) and gold(B) is covered by mining camp. Mining camp can be built at gold(C) |
Figure10. sn-gold-dropsite-distance=3の設定![]() Figure11. sn-gold-dropsite-distance=7の設定 ![]() |
* Build order of mining camp normaly built by gold -> stone -> gold. * The way to build mining camp at stone set sn-gold-dropsite-distance 255 and set sn-stone-dropsite-distance lower value. So all the gold mines are considered covered by dropsite/TC becauase gold coverage is 255. |
Figure12. sn-gold-dropsite-distance=3, sn-stone-dropsite-distance=3の設定![]() |
Range | type | priority | build-forward | note |
- perimeter1: at 10-20tiles (random) - perimeter2: at 18-30tiles (random) - can be built explored place only |
wall | nothing (random) | cannot | wall area reserveation is needed |
gate | nothing (random) | cannot | wall area reserveation is needed |
* Wall area reservation Wall area reservation is necessary to build walls. Once reserve wall area, buildings cannot be built in this area even if wall is not built at all. * wall and gate area Reserved wall area is randomly choosen. |
Figure 13. perimeter 1 is reserved![]() |
Range | type | priority | build-forward | note |
- water area with more than sn-minimum-water-body-size-for-dock
tiles - cannot be built in snow terrain - cannot be built in nomad map - explored place only |
dock | nothing (random) | cannot | condition is water size only. not distance. |
* Dock building area Dock is built at water area with more than sn-minimum-water-body-size-for-dock tiles In figure 14, if sn-minimum-water-body-size-for-dock=50, dock can be built in water area(B). |
Figure 14. Water area(A) with 40 tiles and Water area(B)
with 100 tiles![]() |
Item | Description |
sn-initial-exploration-required | AI cannot build buildings unless map is explored more than percentage of this value. It seems that AI cannot build any buildings in some seconds from game start if setting large value to this parameter,. |
sn-number-forward-builders | This is a setting for island map. number of villagers who go to enemys island to build by build-forward command. If this parameter is set to more than 1, the villanger get stopped until build-forward command is executed. |
build-forward command | If enemy's building is not found, It is not built near enemy's town. |
Dark-age tower bug | AI can build watch towers in dark age if regicide fortress game setting. |
Building bug | Sometimes AI can not build the type of buiding if a building under construction is destroyed. |
No building space | if there areno building space within sn-minimum-town-size, the build command rule is executed but actualy the building is not built. If building space get enough by increasing sn-minimum-town-size, build command is executed. |